Welcome to

my personal website!

I was born in Hanoi City, Vietnam. My full name in Vietnamese is Trịnh Thị Ngọc Lan, legal name is Thi Ngoc Lan Trinh, preferred name is Lan Trinh.

I like drawing, listening to music, watching movies, and hanging out with friends in my free time.

I'm currently 4th year Ph.D Math student at Tulane University...

My advisor is Dr. Scott A. McKinley. I'm working on stochastic point processes and relevant statistical inference, using numerical computation and machine learning.

I'm a Teaching Assistant...

...at Introduction to Probability course in Fall 2024 and I'm going to teach my own course (Statistics for Scientists) in Spring 2025.

Contact Information

Mathematics Department

415 Gibson Hall

Tulane University

New Orleans, LA, 70118
